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Just Cause 4

Commissioned by

Avalanche Studios

Published by

Square Enix

Music by

Zach Abramson


YouTooCanWoo composer Zach Abramson along with our in-house team created the massively epic score for the AAA video game Just Cause 4. The music immerses us in the fully open world of Solis, a fictional country in South America. The score is an aesthetic master-work combing the quintessential sound of Hollywood blockbuster films, 80s dystopian synthwave, along with authentic South American instrumentation and rhythms. It has just received two award nominations for "Best Game Music 2018" in the Game Audio Awards 2019 (the biggest awards event for game music and sounds in Europe) and "Best Original Instrumental" by the Game Audio Network Guild (G.A.N.G). Check out some highlights of the music above.